Sunday, April 19, 2015

Day 16: The Linux Command Line Ch13 Notes

Chapter 13 - Customizing The Prompt

The command: 'echo $PS1' on my Raspberry PI reveals the following:

Changing the look of the prompt may be an interesting way of making your Raspberry Pi your own!

Things I want to remember:


name of current working directory

start of one or more non-printing characters (such as colors)

end of one or more non-printing characters (such as colors)

ANSI code for ESC key followed by option and attribute (look below)

The below tables are only for reference (no need to memorize them).

Escape Sequences Used To Set Text Color

Escape Sequences Used To Set Background Color

Cursor Movement Escape Sequences

Lab 7

1. Change the prompt of your RP so it shows starts with $ followed by a space.
2. Make sure that that this new prompt can survive reboot.

Lab 7 Solution

1. Change the prompt of your RP so it shows starts with $ followed by a space.

$ PS1="$ "

2. Make sure that that this new prompt can survive reboot.

Edit .bashrc file and add:
PS1="$ "